Thursday, May 21, 2015

Update 2 weeks post op

Just an update! I went to my 2 week post op appointment today. My surgeon said I still have 4 weeks until I can chew..and by chew he means soft foods. Ugh I miss hamburgers and Chipotle. He put my in rubber bands. I am so tired of rubber bands. For those who haven't seen my older post I've had braces for 6 consecutive years then had them off for 2 years then got them back on this past September for this surgery so I've had my fair share of rubber bands. But it's a process I'm working towards getting through it. One thing I have been so surprised with is how understanding restaurants have been. They have all been so nice and have helped as best they can by specializing my orders. The only restaurant I had a issue with my Cantina Laredo, but that was more of the server I had rather than the restaurant. I've been very active these past few days. Last night I saw Disney on Ice with some friends and my stepmother and sister. It was so good to be out. Tonight I am going to see Tomorrow Land and tomorrow I have a job interview! Very busy! I got cleared to go to work today so this interview came at the perfect time. I wanted to thank you all for reading my blog. As I go farther in this recovery I will be writing less, but I hope this has helped someone somewhere. If you have any questions comment and I will try to respond as quickly as possible!

Bellow is my xray if anyone is interesred. It's creepy to see all the screws and bolts, but man do my teeth look perfect! Very excited!

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