Thursday, May 7, 2015

Surgery Day/ Day 1 of Double Jaw Surgery

Surgery day was not as nerve racking as I was expecting it to be! I got to the hospital at 5:30 am. I was the first surgery of the day. The only tough time was getting my IV. I have very difficult veins, I have always had trouble with getting blood taken. I got pricked 6-7 times before they (it took 2 different men) just had to try my feet. After a few attempts they were able to get the IV into my left foot. So I am black and blue all over my body. They moved the IV to my arm after I was out. I guess they had to wait because of how aggressive they probably had to be. I woke up in recovery. My surgery was 2 hours and went smoothly. I had a difficult time waking up so I was in there for a while, they said once I was awake I could see my family and I really wanted to see some familiar faces. Once I was finally awake for more than 5 minutes they wheeled me to my private room. It was nice, they kept my on an oxygen mask to try to wake me up more and I stayed in it the whole time I was there. I slept some but found it difficult. I have a giant family and felt up too seeing everyone so sleep slipped my mind. I had my mom, dad, stepmom, stepdad, grandmother, great aunt, sister, boyfriend and my sister's boyfriend there. I also video chatted both of my brothers. I was too afraid to try to talk. I knew if I did it would hurt. Luckily my mom and I know sign language and I had a paper and pen so it was helpful. I was not in pain just numb everywhere. Especially inside my mouth. I drank 1 ounce of broth and that was it for the day. Today has been better. I did very good with liquids and was discharged from the hospital around 10:00 this morning. I've had a lot to drink! This morning was rough, I am not going to lie. I absolutely loved my nurses at the hospital they were very kind but they were not very good at staying above the pain. So this morning my meds dimmed and I was left with pain until my new ones kicked in and that was very painful. Like a deep bone ache. The pain is mainly on my right side of my jaw. And the sinus head aches are a pain. I also got very nausous with the steriods they gave me and had trouble using the bathroom. LUCKILY I did not throw up. I am exhausted but feel up to writing and socializing some (with a white board) But this recovery is so far not as bad as I thought it would be. I am not nieve though. I know it will get worse around day 3 and I will soon begin to feel the hunger but for now I am good. And man does chocolate boost taste like heaven. I miss food but boost defiantly feels me up! I am keeping on sleepy medicine which I am loving.

 Until tomorrow! Bye readers!

PS: I am on heavy meds so if none of this makes sense I apologize, also BIG shoutout to my family for being so supportive and such a big help. I love you all!

Here are some pictures from today
Me today, steroids helped swelling tremendously 

Me today, steroids helped swelling tremendously 

Right before being discharged this morning

My mom holding my hand as I slept yesterday

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