Monday, May 11, 2015

UGH one step forward one step back

The roughest day of recovery... I did not post this yesterday because it was honesty such a rough day. I woke up feeling very nauseous and was given some of my nausea medicine. My boyfriend was feeding me boost when I just began throwing up. Something you may not know about me is that I am terrified of throwing up. Its like the worst thing in the world to me and add a broken jaw to that mix and its defiantly painful. But I got through it. I threw up once more and then I slept for a while. I'm not really sure what I had to throw up since I haven't had food in 5 days but my body managed haha. Around 5 that evening I went to the restroom because my stomach was upset, which once again I thought was strange since I haven't eaten anything in 5 days. I ended up screaming for my mom as I became very pale and began to pass out. Its been a quiet a day. We called the nurse and she changed my medicine and put me on a water and Gatorade only diet. It defiantly helped. I woke up today feeling incredible, I even walked to the mailbox and back. I feel like I have defiantly made it over the rough bump that comes along with this surgery. I was talking my head off all morning, joking around and laughing. Although the laughing part still hurts because of my muscle still being stitched the rest is awesome. The hunger is not that bad honestly. I was scared that I would be miserable not being able to eat for so long but it has not been that bad. I almost don't notice it. I mean I notice it when I stand up or like after a shower. I never really realized how much energy my body uses to do simple things like brushing my teeth, showering, even grabbing the remote. But man is it exhausting to do any of that. But all and all I feel great. It's hard for me to look at it as I still have a week of "hard core" recovery left because I feel so good today, but I also haven't done anything but sit in front of the TV. My goal is to be able to go out for the night on May 20th. My stepmom got us tickets to see Disney on Ice (my sister and I are big Disney fans) so I defiantly want to be able to get up and walk up and down stairs by then. I would also like to eat, I know I wont be able to eat "food food" for a few more weeks but by then I should be able to have noodles and hopefully bread! Speaking of food I have lost a lot of weight through all of this. I am not sure the amount I've lost all I know is my butt is like 3 times smaller. So there is a plus! Positive thoughts from now on! I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Since I cannot eat anything for a few weeks this has been my life saver! I have about 4 a day

My swelling is pretty much nonexistent which is amazing 

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