Friday, May 8, 2015

Rough Night

I had a rough night last night. My jaw was throbbing and the medicine was taking it's sweet time kicking in. Which meant very little sleep. Also I defiantly pushed myself too far with the talking, so from now on the white board and dry erase markers are my best friends. I have a feeling today will be one of my worst days. While I am trying to keep my hopes up I just feel miserable.  One of the worst part to me is that they did not wire or rubber band my mouth shut. Which I know sounds like a good thing but for me its a pain. I am having a hard time figuring out how to hold my jaw. Like if I should keep it closed or let it stay a little open. So I haven't found the most comfortable way to hold my jaw, which stinks. If they were to rubber band I wouldn't have the choice which would have helped. My face feels like a balloon and I defiantly have those Kylie Jenner lips. My pain is manly on the lower jaw. I haven't had much trouble with my top, thank god. Last night my little brother came over and hung around for a little while which helped lift my spirits. I also got some flowers and balloons, which if you know me you understand how much I love flowers. They are so cheerful. Having people come around is making me feel a little better, seeing happy faces. My mom, stepdad and boyfriend have been a big help in taking care of me since I've gotten released from the hospital. They are all been so loving and sweet and that defiantly helps. My mom hugged up on me last night while I was in pain and I swear that took some of the pain away. Right now I am just trying to take this one day at a time. I am surprised at how fine my stomach feels. I figured I would be starving the whole time, but that just hasn't hit me yet. Thank you to everyone checking up on me and reading my blog.

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