Saturday, May 9, 2015

The Dreaded 4th Day

To say today has been my hardest day would be an understatement. When I found out I would be having jaw surgery I knew it would be tough and the recovery would be mind numbing but nothing could have prepared me for this. Today was awful and my spirits were so low. I woke up having had very little sleep because I just could not get comfortable and the rest of the day was pretty much the same thing. It all hit me at once. The hunger, nausea, pain and exhaustion bombarded me. I guess I did not realize just how hungry my body is, but this being my 4th day without food I am not surprised. Not all the bottles of boost in the world could curve this hunger. I want food, real good food. I think the hardest part of today was defiantly mental. It is seriously mentally exhausting sitting in a chair with this much pressure and pain around your face. I did have a few breakdowns. I tried my hardest to avoid them but they were unavoidable. It was extremely painful to cry because of the thick stitches above my top lip, so it just made me cry harder. Thank god for my amazing family though. They were all so patient with me today and just hugged me and reassured me that I could do this.  I also feel so blessed that everyone around me is understanding about my crappy attitude. Not eating is defiantly making me grumpy. And so very sore. My swelling has gone down a incredible amount, I am just ready to be up and moving but my body is strongly disagreeing with me. I am hoping tomorrow will be better. I am hoping my spirits will be lifted and my stomach will stop growling. Just a few more weeks. It will all be worth it.

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