Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 8

And back down the "hump" I go.
Today was awful, and thats putting it lightly. I woke up with a 8 on the pain scale and had to go back to taking my narcotic pain pills. My stomach was hurting and I had a massive headache. It was just a tough day. I spent the morning packing up all my stuff to go home. I am excited to go home but also sad to leave my mom and stepdad. They have been so amazing and it has been so nice to hang out with them and strengthen our relationship, but It is defiantly time for me to get home and see my little furry four legged hamster child. I have always loved having hamsters and have really noticed that all hamsters are different with different personalities. Before you start laughing at me ask any hamster lover. I'm serious. To some they may mean nothing but to me they are defiantly as important and a dog or any other pet. I recently got my new hamster, Zelda, in December from my boyfriend. She is dark grey and believe it or not she has crystal blue eyes. It's weird. Anyway when I am not there and I send my boyfriend to feed her she gets angry and starts to bite people. Needless to say I was needed back home. Throughout the day my pain seemed to escalade making me miserable. It was discouraging. I did get to eat some Jim N' Nicks baked beans and mac and cheese. The baked beans were actually super easy to eat. The mac and cheese wasn't so bad! My surgeon has suggested I eat Kraft Mac and Cheese, but I found it way to hard to eat. I had to literally swallow it whole because I could not tear it apart with my tongue, but the Jim N' Nicks were much easier and I do recommend them. I am hoping I will start feeling a little better soon!

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