Friday, May 15, 2015

Day 7

Finally the amazing day 7. Through all of my research I did before surgery I found that day 7 was suppose to be this amazing day that meant you were over the "hump." My day was just that...amazing. My pain was so low that I was able to be on just ibuprofen and I had no nausea or dizziness. My boyfriend came over and spent the day watching Alaska State Troopers, our new addiction. We hung out until it was time to head out to my first surgeon appointment. I was super excited because I really had not seen much of the outside since before my surgery. It was defiantly hot. I live in Alabama so by now its in the high 80's and low 90's. My surgeon was very pleased with my progress, he said I looked great and that my swelling was good. This is a little personal but I am writing this blog for people having surgery big problem I have come across the last few days is my ability to use the restroom. To put it nicely, it just hasn't happened. That is leaving me bloated and with stomach aches so my surgeon told me to take milk magnesia. Which is very chalky and disgusting. But it works. He said that is a common issue as your body is still trying to get rid of the anesthesia. My surgeon put rubber bands in my mouth to help stop my muscles from trying to move my jaw bone back, and trust me they are defiantly trying. Since I was in braces for so long I am defiantly use to rubber bands so I know that tomorrow my mouth will be so incredibly sore. On a sad note my surgeon said I am still on a liquid diet for another week. He said I can add mac and cheese but absolutely no chewing....ugh I guess its time to go get more boost.

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