Thursday, April 16, 2015

3 Weeks Before Surgery

Hey readers! I am Megan, I am 21 and will be having jaw surgery on May 6th 2015. With 3 weeks until the big day I have spent most of my time doing research. There was not much out there so I am hoping that by writing a blog it may help others. Here is my history with dental issues...

I was born without my bottom cuspids and major spacing between my teeth. Naturally that meant braces. What was suppose to be only 2 years turned into 6. Yes I had braces for 6 consecutive years, which is a lot of time to go without eating candy. Around year 3 of braces my orthodontist decided that I need to have a procedure done to move my top canine tooth into place (it was on the opposite side of my mouth). They did this by twisting the tooth and attaching a chain that would slowly pull my tooth into place. The surgery worked great and after 3 more years I was finally out of braces. I was so excited that I did not notice my bite was so off. I ended up have random growth on one side of my jaw, causing my teeth to not touch. I actually only have two back teeth that actually touch (picture below). Making eating a headache. The bite got worse and worse until it was decided I needed jaw surgery. So I was put back into braces in September.

So here I am. I am focusing on jaw surgery right now, but there is a possibility I will have another surgery in a year or so for a tooth I have that is dying due to having braces on so long. I am ready to have this surgery done, just nervous. I'm not sure what my surgeon will be doing. Because of the surgeries short notice I have only met with him once (he comes highly recommended). I will meet with him again the week before my surgery, that is when he will tell me if I am having double jaw surgery or just lower. I hope this blog helps!

Note that in all of these pictures I am "biting down"

Left side

Left side

Right side


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