Tuesday, April 21, 2015

2 Weeks to go

I am finally at the 2 week mark until my surgery! I am starting to get excited. I know the recovery will be brutal but I am so excited to see the ending result. I decided it would be best to recover at my moms house and have my boyfriend, Matt, there to help. I was originally going to recover with him, but because I am allergic to some narcotic painkillers and I'm not sure if I will be allergic to whatever they give me It would be best to be with my mom where she has experience in how to deal with that. So far we have stocked up on Pedicure (that stuff is crazy expensive) and pajamas. I went to my orthodontist on the 15th. I asked him when he thinks I will be getting these braces off. I had asked him in the beginning and he said 3 months after surgery. I asked him last week and he said 6 months. That is making me nervous. I did not really touch on my tooth issue in my last post. But the tooth I had surgically moved after being in braces for 3 years is dying. It has root absorption. My surgeon believes it is because I was in braces for so long. So we are fearful that being in braces for much longer will kill the tooth all together. It is still alive and my surgeon says it could live for a few more years but ever since I got braces put back on it's been worse. I cant even drink water on that side of my mouth without that shooting sensitivity feeling. I feel like I have more problems with my mouth now then I did before braces. GRRR. 21 and still rocking the train tracks. After 6 years you find that you've done every color combo you and think of so its been all gray bands this time. On a happy note I got my hair cut... a lot. I wanted shorter hair for surgery so it wasn't all in my face. I am starting to get excited!

Question for my readers: Have any of you had jaw surgery? If so, did it leave any scars on your face?

Thanks for reading!

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