Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sorry for the absence!

Hey readers! Sorry I have been MIA these past few weeks. Honestly I just haven't had any new things to write about. As I am officially at 4 weeks post op I decided it was time to post. Things have been good lately. I was given clearance to go to work and my surgeon said the most amazing phrase I have ever heard anyone say..."you can go ahead and start eating ground beef and fish." Music to my ears.Goodbye mash potatoes and mac and cheese and hello to taco meat and protein! I have defiantly been taking advantage of the ground beef. I've been eating Salisbury Steak and hamburgers(just the patties cut up super small). My surgeon said I could chew just a tiny bit and only when absolutely needed but I've found it to be too painful so if I can avoid chewing I do. I started back work yesterday and I love it. I'm working with kids at a summer camp and it's amazing. I work around 5 1/2 hours a day and I come home and immediately knock out. It takes every bit of my energy. I have started getting spasms in my jaw. I know this is common but they only started after I started working again. Maybe it's from all the talking. I'm not sure, but it's nothing my ice packs can't fix! I have had to start taking ibproufen more which is a bummer but no pain no gain, am I right? Besides I love getting compliments on my jaw. All worth it. I am loving my new smile and face, it does look different. My journey is noy nesr over but for now all is good.

I hope you guys check in and comment any questions! You can also follow me on Twitter @mrjenkss

Thanks for reading :) enjoy the warm summer and cool pools!

Here are some recent pictures along with a before and after. I took these a week ago and since them my stitches have dissolved more and my upper lip looks more relaxed! I will post more pictures soon!